Since Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) getting far developing itself, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and World Health Organization (WHO) had been working together and trying to solve the tourism Sectors issue due to Covid-19. Director General of WHO has declared the outbreak of COvid-19 is Public Health Emergency of International Concern and should be under Temporary announced recommendations. While Based on the Current information WHO hasn’t recommended any trade of tourism Restrictions while been with global experts including many partners from worldwide are on their best to gain scientific knowledge about this 21st century Virus which is more challenging than Black Plea or Ebola virus. WHO is working tirelessly and currently advising countries about community measures to prevent spreading of Coronavirus.
Cooperation Sectors updates
People should be at their well-being First says the Tourism Sectors, WHO and UNWTO are bonded in consultation to assist ensuring health measure implementation interference with Tourism and Trade, while international Cooperation Sectors requires contribution for the containment of Covid-19. WHO and UNWTO are ready to stand and work close with all communities of different countries who are still infected by current pandemic outbreak of Coronavirus to build better future of the globe Travel responses should be consistent with measures to avoid public health threat based on Health Risk Assessment could go beyond these unnecessary causes to international traffic and put negative impression on the reputation on international travel and tourism sectors around the world. As it is a great challenge for WHO and UNWTO to stand solidarity with infected countries who are still under development but Due to Covid-19 Development has given a shutdown for many domestic Jobs which are causing many countries to face extreme challenges to maintain their economy growth and keeping their GDP for the hope of better Future.