Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern said that Nation’s Healthcare officials had declared that Country doesn’t hold any active cases of coronavirus remaining within its covered land. In Wellington News conference Jacinda Ardern mentioned New Zealanders are ready to be united in unprecedented facts to crush the coronavirus.
New Zealand had grabbed the attention of global Headlines from the World health organization to approach coronavirus, by demanding strict pay off in the situation of any cautious step. On March 25th 2020, Jacinda Ardern ordered Lockdown for 4 weeks of the whole Country of New Zealand. Physical Distancing rules and limitation on gathering were strictly said to be obeyed and abider would face strictly policy if get caught whereas everything was put to completely shut down.
Meanwhile to shut down of the country reported over just 200 confirmed cases whereas due to restriction before lockdown Covid-19 in New Zealand never increased from 1500 which made the cause death of 22 people before the decision of Lockdown was announced. According to the analysis of Google Data, only New Zealanders were the ones who massively reduced their movements, by trusting their president, people choose to stay home more than the people in United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
The United States of America is the top country infected in the worst situation which recorded about 2,356,715 Confirmed cases with 122,248 death recorded yet along with other countries with more than 100,000+ confirmed cases.
New Zealand is small island nation country like many others but it has included itself on the list of those small group of countries which had declared themselves Covid-19 free nation, which should be an example for many other countries struggling with the virus, New Zealand is meant to be an ideal figure for them which had won the war against Coronavirus.